
Telenor is already looking beyond what 5G can do for faster mobile download and streaming times

Using Ericsson Radio System technology, Norwegian telecoms giant Telenor has launched the largest 5G pilot in Scandinavia. The more than 50 customers across the municipality that will be able to connect to the 5G network are located in Elverum municipality, about 80 miles north of the capital city Oslo.

Those testing out the network will be able to do so on mobile phones, broadband, smart TV and smart home solutions. Telenor’s launch makes it the country’s first mobile operator to integrate 5G into its mobile network.

Petter-Børre Furberg, CEO, Telenor Norway expressed pride in what he called ‘a historic milestone.’

“During the past year, we have been testing and experimenting with 5G,” he said, “We are now taking the technological development to the next level. In addition to inviting a number of pilot users, we will also enable other residents of Elverum to test, experiment and explore the super network of the future together with us.”

Telenor is already looking beyond what 5G can do for faster mobile download and streaming times. The operator is partnering with Oslo University Hospital to trial such technology to discover how 5G can improve speed and latency for remotely-controlled medical procedures. Currently, the partnership is looking at using the technology for ultrasounds, but the operator says the medical possibilities for 5G are endless.

“5G makes it possible to send expertise to where it is needed, quickly and without delay. The new network opens up the possibility for everyone to access expert help wherever they are in the country,” Doctor Henrik Brun told Norwegian media organization, NRK.

As Telenor’s path to 5G implementation unfolded, the company raised some eyebrows by partnering with Huawei on other 5G trials in Norway. The Elverum trial, however, utilizes Ericsson equipment and services to enable the network, which operates on the 3.6 GHz frequency band.

Sigve Brekke, Telenor Group president and CEO, who participated in Norway’s first live 5G video call as part of the launch, is confident that the trial will allow Norway to explore and improve 5G technology. “Exploring this technology here in Norway means that we can learn, test and continuously improve as we gradually introduce 5G to our markets,” he said.

Telenor operates in Norway, Denmark, Sweden as well as in several markets across Asia, and operator plans to launch 5G commercially in 2020.


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