
It’s great to see how companies are jumping in to help battle this war with Covid-19 or coronavirus. It seems companies are helping in many different ways. AT&T is offering a new, low cost plan and more data for their customers during this crisis. They are doing this through their AT&T Prepaid and Cricket Wireless service trying to help users who are struggling financially during this battle.

I applaud AT&T. They say no one should be disconnected from the world during a crisis like this. When we are staying at home and social distancing, we need to stay in touch more than ever. Wireless is one way we all stay connected as individuals, as families and as a society.

AT&T Prepaid, Cricket Wireless offering users help through Coronavirus

This is admirable. This is the kind of thinking and action that will not only help their customers today but benefit AT&T long-term. This act of kindness could also make it easier for them to hang onto customers long-term.

This is so refreshing. This is a time of war where we are all battling COVID-19. However, this is also a time when we can pull together and help each other. And many companies are doing just that.

Pull together by staying apart through Covid-19 crisis

Traditionally, the competitive marketplace is like a battle ground. Companies compete and want to win. They will develop marketing strategies to help them grow and take market share away from their competitors.

However, during this health crisis, we are seeing another side that we hardly ever witness. Something that should make us all feel good. Many companies are working together and thinking of ways to offer help to the marketplace.

Many different companies helping in many different ways. It’s truly inspiring. Companies large and small are changing their factories to make face masks, gowns, eye gear, gloves, respirators and so much more. This is amazing to see. It makes you feel great to see us dropping everything and all start working together.

The Government doesn’t even have to order companies to jump in. Companies are jumping in all by themselves. They are thinking through how they can help, and they are jumping in.

That’s because companies are run by people and people are always trying to help other people in times of need.

GM needed Defense Production Act to make needed ventilators

Other companies like GM needed the government to give them an additional push with the Defense Production Act in order to step up and help. They are now going to be making much needed ventilators.

It’s like the old saying, you ger more with sugar than vinegar. However, some companies still need vinegar. So, it’s good to have it if needed.

Either way, we are getting plenty of support from a wide variety of companies in every industry, across the board.

Companies are jumping in to help fight the COVID-19 battle

Fortunately, the vast majority of companies are jumping in on their own to help in the best ways they can do so.

This health crisis came on us quickly, but it will last for a long time. We are told it will take a year to develop a vaccination like the flu-shot. Then it will be added to our annual flu shot and protect us all going forward.

That means this first year is our most vulnerable time when we have no treatment or no cure. It has been said there are more than a hundred potential cures being worked on today around the world. That’s great news.

However, we still have to stay healthy for the next year until they are proven and implemented. Eventually, this will be worked into the traditional flu shot and can all be safe if we take the shot.

Ford, 3M, Amazon, IBM, My Pillow and more jumping in to help

During this next year we will see companies continue to step up and help us all. Some like Ford, 3M, Amazon, FedEx, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Bayer, Dyson, My Pillow and even GM, along with so many others are all jumping in and helping any way they can by manufacturing needed medical supplies.

Today, most companies are not thinking about ways to improve their market position during this crisis. They are just good people stepping up and jumping in to help anyway they can.

This is really a beautiful thing to see. In the long run I believe companies who jump in to today help during the coronavirus battle will be remembered and rewarded with loyal customers and a growing business.

There are a growing number of good stories today as we struggle against this new enemy. So, let’s stick together and we will get through this. Remember, let’s all pull together by staying apart. There is nothing stronger than a united people!

The post Kagan: AT&T offers low cost wireless plans during COVID-19 crisis appeared first on RCR Wireless News.


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