
Huawei promises ‘5G for Europe made in Europe’

In the midst of the U.S.’s continued pressure on the EU nations to bar Huawei, the Chinese tech giant promised to establish manufacturing hubs in Europe. This announcement follows the EU’s recommendation that member states ban telecoms operators considered a security risk from involvement in their 5G networks.

“Huawei is more committed to Europe than ever before,” said Huawei executive Abraham Liu during a Lunar New Year reception in Brussels.

According to Liu that commitment is the motivation behind the decision, adding that the company wants to deliver “5G for Europe made in Europe.”

The EU plan, which allows for a limited role for Huawei, is similar to that of the U.K. government’s recent partial acceptance of Huawei, which stipulates that tech company can provide equipment to local 5G networks, but will be banned from supplying kit to sensitive “core” parts of 5G networks; it will be limited to a minority presence of no more than 35% in the 5G radio access network.

In other words, the EU has not established a blanket ban on the tech company, and the decision to ban Huawei, therefore, is now free to weigh heavily on the member states.

According to analysts, after a great 2019, Huawei has a rough year ahead of it. While the company is expected to continue growing, it will be on a level lower than last year, and it all depends on how each country handles the ongoing controversy.

The post Huawei promises manufacturing hubs in Europe appeared first on RCR Wireless News.


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