
You may have heard a lot about 5G already. You may know which network operators have launched or will soon be launching 5G, which services they have prioritized for their initial 5G rollout, and even which challenges they have faced.
But do you know which use cases 5G is realistically expected to support in the future, say, by 2025? Or how it will be possible for 5G to deliver on its multifaceted promise by then?
Download the white paper to learn:
  • What 5G is (now) and will be (by 2025) about
  • Which 5G use cases are likely to change our world by 2025 (maybe autonomous vehicles, maybe not…)
  • Which 5G network challenges worry operators the most, from specific domains (e.g., radio access) to end-to-end network slicing
  • What is needed to ensure that 5G fully delivers by 2025, if not earlier

The post EXFO White Paper: Our 5G World in 2025: What to expect, how to make it happen appeared first on RCR Wireless News.


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